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Welcome to my world. I document my adventures in style, travel, fitness and my love for life. Live freely and enjoy every moment while you still can. Hope you have a nice stay. Carpe Diem!

Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway: Jason Wu X Eloquii Soiree

Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway: Jason Wu X Eloquii Soiree

I am always on the computer researching information to help grow my blog….I am that type of girl who is always looking for the next opportunity. Long and behold I saw the event for the Jason Wu X Eloquii Soiree at the Gramercy Hotel. Excitement took over because I loved Jason Wu ever since he designed Michelle Obama’s inaguration gown in 2008. I was ecstatic. I knew I had to attend. I clicked on the link to “get tickets”—-ouch there were only wait list tickets available. I was fairly disappointed but not entirely because the address was listed. I said to myself “I don’t care if I am on the wait list, I am going!”…..


I arrived at the Gramercy Hotel rather early…my nerves were kicking in but I knew in my heart of hearts, I was getting in this event. There was no turning back. I was determined to get what I wanted. The only way to grow is to be willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when doing something different right? After an hour wait, a girl comes downstairs with her ipad to check names for the reservations for the event. I became worried again-I got on the line and nervously said to her, “we’re on the wait list”. With a no nonsense face, she replied, “I am sorry right now we are not accepting people who are on the wait list in just yet, please wait over there”. Immediately I said “sure, sure”. I knew that was the formality when attending most of these events when you’re not on the guest list. I waited patiently with Loreal and Tony and kept positive. The event was scheduled to begin at 6:00 and at 6:30, the girl with the ipad came over and told us we can take the elevator upstairs to the terrace…..BOOM!!!


Upon arriving upstairs at the rooftop terrace, the scenery was delightful. As you walked in, there was a collection of Spring floral pieces on hangers that were just so feminine and perfect for the season. I was greeted with such a warm feeling and touch by Bridgette and I loved the ambiance in the room. People were mingling, drinking, eating, socializing and having a great time. The photographer came over and asked if I wanted to take pics and of course I said yes. And, I engaged with so many new faces while making connections. I was destined to be in this room.


With all that I said above in my dramatic story—the whole point is to be able to take risks. If you stop taking risks, in many ways you have basically stopped living. Don’t be afraid to go after what you want, because you never know what can happen. Doing something and failing will always be far more productive than doing nothing at all. So feel the fear and do it anyway!

Until next time……xoxo

Aranyani's Mission Through Ethical & Sustainability Fashion

Aranyani's Mission Through Ethical & Sustainability Fashion

Imagine Being In A Room Of Empowered Women...

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