
Hey Ya’ll!!


How Are You?

Welcome to my world. I document my adventures in style, travel, fitness and my love for life. Live freely and enjoy every moment while you still can. Hope you have a nice stay. Carpe Diem!

Imagine Being In A Room Of Empowered Women...

Imagine Being In A Room Of Empowered Women...

That was the vibe I received as I walked into SheSpeaks VIP event last Thursday night. I remember walking to the elevator anticipating how this event will inspire me while checking out the luxury of the 5-star Dominick Hotel. I was whisked up to the 49th floor. The doors opened and I walked into the SOHI event room that was floor-to-ceiling windows and a million dollar view of One World Trade Center to the South, and the Empire State Building to the North. It was beautiful!!!…tall NYC buildings with a dynamic and dramatic skyline that is unforgettable. It took my breath away. There were women all over mingling, drinking wine, and partaking in hors d’oeuvres. I observed the scene and immediately began to mingle as well…I fit right in.

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The event was so inspiring and full of nuggets and advice for women on how to plan for retirement and beyond. The main focus was “How to Spark the Retirement You Dream Of”. Now imagine that—most people think retirement is determined by age, but it’s not. It’s having a plan of action and a mindset knowing that it is more about you rather than solely money. At the event, there was a panel of influencers and other entrepreneurs who delivered a wealth of key information to the audience. I am sincerely proud that I was invited to this event so that I can learn more to better prepare for my future. It felt good to be around a group of like-minded women who I was able to learn from and look up to. If you want more information, visit

Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway: Jason Wu X Eloquii Soiree

Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway: Jason Wu X Eloquii Soiree

Subtle Ways of Being Negative

Subtle Ways of Being Negative