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Subtle Ways of Being Negative

Subtle Ways of Being Negative


Without even realizing it……

Have you ever had an experience with a Negative Nancy? How did it make you feel? I bet you didn’t want to talk to that person anymore…..right? Such a turn off. Well here are some of the subtle signs to watch out for a negative person.

1) When you share great news with them, they are silent.
When you share your dreams or positive intentions with people, they pretend as if they didn’t hear you. I am sure you can relate. Next…

2) When they tell you to think about “it”.
Duh! Why would someone share something with you if they haven’t thought hard about it. Next…

3) They negate everything that you say.
If you say A, they say B or they project their negative experience onto you. Next…

4) They say are you sure? Is that going to work?
But yet they copy everything you do behind your back. Next…

5) Give it time
Sigh…time doesn’t wait on anyone honey. Next…

6) I remember when I did that and it didn’t work.
So what, that was your experience. Next…

7) When you have a kid, everything stops.
So having a child stops your life? It’s called prioritizing. Next….

8) Is that safe?
This is always the question from people when I am traveling somewhere. I always wonder if the neighborhood that these people live in are safe. Does your unsafe neighborhood prevent you from coming outside and going to work? I bet not. Next…

You guys get the point right? Remember to only share your dreams with people who are only with alignment to where you are going. Think of people like an airplane. First class service is the most expensive and offers the most comfortable accommodations. There are the people who are dreamers and they can relate to your mindset. You share your dreams with them. Second class service is cool too. It’s still luxury, but not like first class. These are the people who are nice, but they are wishy-washy. You don’t wanna share much with them, because they want to experience more out of life but feel stuck. Now for coach services….stay away from these people and leave them right on that plane. As a matter of fact, leave them at the gate. They have a goal to tear you down right with them.

TIPS: Next time someone comes to share the things that they would like to do, I want you to say:

1) Great
2) I hope it works out
3) Safe travels
4) Follow your dreams
5) Have fun!………

***Even if you don’t believe it for yourself, inspire the person and smile. I am sorry these people are living lives that cause them to feel jaded. I don’t know what to say. Maybe, get a new man, get a new job, get more education, get a new apartment….. I really don’t know. But maybe that’s too hard for you huh?? Negative Nancy.

Imagine Being In A Room Of Empowered Women...

Imagine Being In A Room Of Empowered Women...

I Want A Ticket To Anywhere

I Want A Ticket To Anywhere