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5 Ways To Stay Goal-Oriented

5 Ways To Stay Goal-Oriented

Happy New Year everyone!!! We left crazy 2020 in the past and now hope for a better year with 2021. Let’s claim it people!! Being a truly goal-oriented person is not something that just happens. Whether it’s a new diet or a business venture, you need to have the strength of will to stick to the plan — and it’s never easy. Below I am giving you 5 ways to stay goal oriented while staying focused.


1) Keep your goals to yourself- This is contrary to what you’ve been told about oversharing your goals. STOP IT now. Instead, speak your goals to yourself in private. The entire world does not need to know what your next move is. Announcing your intentions to others can hurt you because you’ll be so excited for that reward before it’s even met. For example, if you share with people that you are about to start a business venture…they will applaud you. Then if your plans don’t manifest and you never start that business, you will feel extremely disappointed because you told all those people your goals. Are you guys following me? WORK more and TALK less.

2) Do Something Different- Sometimes all you need is a change. How about writing down your goals on paper and putting the paper somewhere accessible that you can read daily. I use a personal calendar and write all my business in there because I know that I am the only one who will see this.

3) Develop Discipline- In order to achieve anything in life, you must have passion while making proper decisions. Long-term success involves developing a plethora of different positive habits and turning them into second nature. You may rely on passion to get started on those habits but you’re going to need discipline to continue them. Developing good habits to achieve your goals is non-negotiable.


4) FOCUS on you- Stop watching what everyone else is doing and do you. Other people are distractions when focusing on your goals. You should be in a zone until you get to where you need to be. I am sorry but this is a pivotal time when all the focus should be centered around you. And no you’re not being selfish…you’re being smart. Don’t worry about what anyone thinks or says. Do YOU.

5) Show Gratitude- No matter where you are in life, always be thankful. Feel grateful that you have the guts to pursue your goals and embrace that notion. Remember what’s most important is who you become along the journey.

Reaching worthwhile goals isn’t always easy. It’s going to take some work and real discipline to achieve them. So be prepared for the challenges ahead and take them on a little at a time. Good luck…xoxoxoxoxo

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