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Ways To Embrace Compassion

Ways To Embrace Compassion

Chadwick Boseman’s co-star, Clarke Peters feels terrible that he misjudged Boseman on the set of their Da 5 Bloods film. The actor tearfully regrets that he viewed Boseman as a “diva”. According to Peters, Boseman had a makeup lady who massaged his feet, a Chinese practitioner who massaged his back when he walked off set, and his wife who was his girlfriend at the time was always by his side holding his hand. The actor also said that maybe starring in the fantastic Marvel movie went to Chadwick Boseman’s head.


Now I used Clarke Peters as an example of how sometimes we can have assumptions while wrongfully misjudging others. This man had no clue that Chadwick Boseman was battling colon cancer. Instead of minding his business, he automatically thought that Boseman was this “prima donna” because of his celebrity status. Is that fair? No—but it’s the nature of people and we often do that. This is where compassion comes in and it’s defined as the feeling of empathy towards others in need. (in order to have compassion, empathy is needed) It’s being able to feel connected to what others are feeling without actually going through their experience. In order to develop compassion for others, you have to also practice self-compassion- which is a mixture of a love for ourselves, emotions and a sense of humanity.

Ways To Embrace Compassion

1) Practice a growth mindset: a growth mindset allows you to accept feedback and change. It gives you the motivation to improve and want to do better. As a result, you become more open to humanity.

2) Be present and aware: having compassion cannot be faked. It comes from the heart and soul. Listen to people when they speak and pay attention to them when they are not speaking. Non- verbal communication speaks volume. This is important to be fully able to relate to others when in need.

3) Be kind to self: be kind to yourself so that you’re more productive. Research shows that people who are more self-compassionate aren’t so hard on themselves. And they feel better about themselves too!

****I really hope you guys enjoyed this read. See youu soon XOXO

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