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 I Almost Talked Myself Out Of It: The Pursuit

I Almost Talked Myself Out Of It: The Pursuit

How many times have you come up with a brilliant idea for something only to psych yourself out of doing it? It’s like this: you get all up in your head and convince yourself it’s no longer a good idea even though you were extremely excited about it before. Or maybe you dissected your ideas and focused on what could go wrong instead of what could go right. As an over-thinker, I tend to unconsciously talk myself out of things on a regular basis. And, the other day I began to pay attention to what was happening with my thoughts. I stopped immediately—it gave me the chills!!! In this post, I am sharing how to stop the negative self talk and strategies to stop talking yourself out of things.


The reason to talk yourself out of something is because at the moment we might lack the confidence to succeed (and that’s whatever success is to you). So you start to overanalyze, and think of all the reasons why you cannot achieve so and so. As a result, you convince yourself why you shouldn’t pursue what you want.

Currently, there is something that I am working on and I found myself coming up with all the reasons why it wouldn’t work. I kept changing my mind and thinking of all the negatives as to why my idea would not be successful. But in reality, I just created all these negative outcomes in my head. Subsequently, fear set in because of the negative outcomes that I created……no one else but me. Whew!! Sounds all too familiar right?


How To STOP Talking Yourself Out Of Things

1) Be careful how you think. This is all important as our mind is the greatest enemy at times. What you think, is usually what you tend to believe—-without a doubt. When you have a strong mind your confidence grows and that allows you to take action so that you’re aware of the moments when there’s negative self talk. So work on that mindset so that you can become aware and work on a positive mindset.


2) Don’t wait for the right moment—just do it. There will never be a right time to accomplish anything. I am not against planning—however sometimes planning causes delay. I am learning that it’s okay to not always have life planned out. Just go with the flow sometimes and watch the outcome. Doing something daily is also effective to pursue what needs to be done.

There are many other ways to stop talking yourself out of accomplishing what you need to do, but the list stops here. I hope that there is a take away from this blog post and you guys enjoy the read. Love you all and see you next week.



Don't Chase...ATTRACT!

Don't Chase...ATTRACT!

How To Be More Relatable On Social Media

How To Be More Relatable On Social Media