I FIRED Myself...
I fired myself from any situation that made me feel uncomfortable
I fired myself from any energy that wasn’t positive
I fired myself from any distractions that didn’t serve any purpose, and took control…..
A couple of days ago I was having a conversation with my sister and this topic came up—”I fired myself”. I can’t quite remember exactly what we were discussing but it had to do with self- awareness and life. So I was inspired to write this blog post and I know you’re looking at the title wondering…”hmm, what does she mean""? Well, stick around a little longer and let me delve into the post some more.
When we think of “fired” it’s mostly associate it with a job (Just like Donald Trump’s show, the Apprentice). However, let’s get creative and internalize the word in a more introspective manner. What I mean by firing myself is that there are things that I will not associate myself with. Just like with a job—when you fire yourself there are tasks as an owner that you don’t need to do. For example, as an owner you probably don’t need to answer the phone all the time because being free of that activity gives you more time to plan out other important activities and the next stages of your business.
So firing myself is just like firing an employee—they don’t come back.
And I am firing myself from any internal or outside distractions that don’t serve me any purpose. To control your life, is to control what you focus on. And, to be consistently productive and manage stress better, I believe in strengthening attention management skills. It’s all about controlling distractions while being present in the moment. Thus, maximizing focus and being more productive in whatever you attain to do. It’s all about learning to recognize when your attention is being shifted and bringing it back so that you stay focused on what you want to do. This is something that I have practiced and is still practicing daily because I get more done when I don’t let distractions derail me while focusing on my priorities and goals. Does this make sense?
Look at it like this: You can’t control the behaviors of others, but you can control what you pour into yourself— without a doubt. Therefore, you can also remove (fire yourself) from any situation that doesn’t bring out the best in you. Hope you all enjoyed this read and see you next week!!

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