Protect Your Dreams — VivaKolor

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Protect Your Dreams

Protect Your Dreams

At all cost because there are people out there wishing for you to fail. These people disguise themselves in the form of “friends”, “family”, and so on. Don’t let their smiles fool you, watch their actions instead. They’re only pretending to like you…but don’t sweat it—its temporary. The truth will reveal its ugly self eventually and those people will have to answer to their conscience/soul. Their inner self will cry day and night knowing that they cannot find true fulfillment because of their corrupt ways. Continue to go after your dreams, work smart, do good to others with a pure heart, and the blessings will unfold triumphantly. Trust me; and continue reading this entire post where I share why it’s important to protect your dreams.

How to protect your dreams..

Some people will want to hold you back and keep you down. They don’t believe in dreams. Heck, they don’t believe in their own dreams—-and they definitely do not believe in yours. When we are just starting to fly, we may not be strong enough to fly with the weight of their heavy words…….so our dreams need protection.

1) I am going to say this over and over again. Be careful with whom you share your dreams with. Never share them with someone who will not understand or who does not support and encourage you. Guard your dreams as if their survival depends upon it. And sometimes it’s OK to not share it with anyone. Don’t tell them anything.

2) Negative words have POWER. Pay careful attention to how you speak to yourself. Make sure you’re not sabatoging your own dreams based on your thoughts or words. And also pay close attention to the things that the folks around you say to you. Do they tend to speak before thinking about how their words might affect your feelings?

3) Choose your circle wisely. Look around the room..are you the smartest one? If you answered yes, please find some new friends. No pun intended, but hang with others who are doing what it takes to also make their dreams come true.

4) It’s OK to say NO. Saying NO to things that are not building you gives you more leverage to say YES to the things that matter the most. Actually, I think it’s the best word in the dictionary. And, say NO without an explanation.

5) Hang out with like-minded and kind people. It makes the journey easier.

6) Stay away from negativity as much as you can.

7) Stay away from TOXIC and mean people. Avoid them like the plague.

8) Make a plan to obtain your dream. Write it down, research…

Please LIVE your life and protect your dreams. This life is too fabulous and precious to not pursue what your heart desires. Go after your dreams..even if a million people are doing it. It’s yours and DO NOT let anyone talk you out of your dreams!


Hello, World!

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