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How To Follow Your Dreams While Still Working a 9-5

How To Follow Your Dreams While Still Working a 9-5


Pursuing a dream is not easy work. It requires a committed attitude and time. The reality is that most of us have responsibilities like paying bills and providing for self or a family. Most scenarios where people are pursuing their dream, they tend to have a full time job also. With the right attitude and self-determination, it can be simple to follow your dreams while still working your 9-5.

Here are some tips to help you with holding on to your job while pursuing those dreams:

  1. Self-assess: Be courageous and firm in what you want. Remember a dream is something that you cannot stop thinking about—no matter how hard you try, it’s something that you will always pursue. Think about the final results and you will always know where you are going. How badly do you want it and what sacrifices are you willing to make?

  2. Have a Vision: What is success to you? Everyone’s definition is different. For example, mine is to live wherever I want, travel and be a humanitarian for people. I love helping people. Having clear expectations will avoid a lot of time wasting. So define your vision and stay focused on it.

  3. You need the job to sponsor that dream: No matter what the dream, it costs money. Actress’ need money to go to acting school right? Until your dream becomes your full time income, you need that job to pay for the necessary tools.

  4. Prioritize Your Time Wisely: I suggest making clear daily objectives. I do this by mapping out my life in my calendar. My calendar is my second lifeline. I plan out what I am doing for each week so that I get things done in a timely manner. Plus, I have to see it on paper. So plan your days and most important tasks as thoughtfully as possible. When you leave your 9-5, go work your dream. Do not go to happy hour with co-workers—they might mean well, but they aren’t helping you. It’s important to do something daily toward your dream for good results. So please use the time you have now to continue making progress.

  5. Be Patient: In such a fast paced society, patience seems like a strange word to most. This includes myself at times. As much as I hate to say this, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Your business is not going to blow up overnight and there will be plenty sacrifices that will have to be made.

  6. Stay Disciplined: To pursue your dreams, you’ve got to stay disciplined and overcome the little things that hold you back. So stay focused, stay tenacious and try to control your surroundings as much as possible.

    So, you can do this people! Time is of the essence especially when working a 9-5 and don’t have many hours in the day to pursue your dreams. But you can do it, as long as you follow these tips and more. And continue to rock and pursue those dreams. Remember you only live once.


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