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Welcome to my world. I document my adventures in style, travel, fitness and my love for life. Live freely and enjoy every moment while you still can. Hope you have a nice stay. Carpe Diem!

MTV Debuts A Pop Up Museum Of Missy Elliott in NYC

MTV Debuts A Pop Up Museum Of Missy Elliott in NYC

Ahhhhhh, after more than 20 years in the game and brilliant artistry, Missy Elliott has finally been recognized for her work. I was so excited when learning that Missy Elliott would be receiving her Vanguard Award because I grew up on her music and loved watching her videos. I still do!! I think her style is so eclectic, bold, and unique. The Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award is presented yearly at the MTV Video Music Awards to phenomenal artists for their accomplishments in film and music.

In lieu of Missy receiving her award and the weekend leading up to the VMA’s, MTV honored the artist with a pop up museum in NOHO to celebrate her work. And of course, I went! If you didn’t get the memo—Sorry. The interactive exhibit celebrated some of the artist’s most iconic videos and style.

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The “Museum of Missy” made you just loveee her even more while giving her so much props for her work that she put into these iconic videos over the years. There were different booths of Missy Elliott’s videos with props so that you can immerse yourself into her world. I was able to get my nails done in the “fly gal” booth, transform myself in the “supa dupa fly” video and other fun moments.

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I am so grateful for such a creative influence like Missy Elliott. About time the industry has decided to award her with the Vanguard. I can’t wait for more music along with more of her presence within the music industry. See more fun moments below:

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Protect Your Dreams

Protect Your Dreams

Be Kind Campaign: Featuring Kitty and Vibe at The Williamsburg Hotel

Be Kind Campaign: Featuring Kitty and Vibe at The Williamsburg Hotel