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How To Attend Influencer Events Solo

How To Attend Influencer Events Solo

Hey Everyone!!

A couple weeks ago, I attended POPSUGAR Playground with a press pass. POPSUGAR is a HUGE media company so I was ecstatic. And, this is their second year of creating POPSUGAR playground where women come together to create magic.

I was so proud of myself because I was given this opportunity without reaching 10K followers because I am putting in the work (my focus is not numbers because it’s not solely based on that—-I think it’s more quality & organic content) This was my FIRST press pass access—thanks to my daily tenacious emails and work, work, work attitude.

Press passes are extremely important to get because you get access to so many things when going to these events. For example, you get behind the scenes access, access to panelists, and VIP perks. And POPSUGAR is a huge media outlet that delivers the biggest moments, the hottest trends, and the best tips in entertainment, fashion, beauty, fitness…..They feature a lot of celebrities daily. (I was really excited going for free on both days with an industry ticket worth over $400)


Attending Influencer Events SOLO

1) Just do it!! Don’t think about it. Fear is something that you will always have because it’s a natural feeling. However, if you want to succeed and get what you want, fear shouldn’t dominate your thoughts. In the past, I used to be so afraid of attending events by myself, but I learned to conquer my fear by acting on it. I no longer have a problem with walking up to someone and talking to them. I always make sure to find something about the person that I like and genuinely compliment them. That is the first step. People love to be complimented so give a smile and tell them something nice. It always works!! My most famous line is, “Hi I love your……” Also, get to know the person and ask them questions. Don’t make the focus of the conversation about you—remember you’re trying to make friends and influence others.

2) Find someone else who is also solo. Look around the room and observe people. And that’s what I did at POPSUGAR playground. I was asking anybody who was available to take my pictures and talking to people on the lines. My mouth was going nonstop and nonstop. I met so many people that weekend. It’s interesting to know that there are other people feeling the same emotions as you and want someone to speak to them.

At the end of the day, you don’t want to focus on who is there with you while your’e building your brand. The key is to attend and focus on the content that you are there to create while having fun. POPSUGAR playground, thank you for partnering with me and allowing me the access to create more content as a digital creator. POPSUGAR playground was indeed another fabulous event, see you again next year!


Thanks for reading and find me on Instagram @VIVAKOLOR and Facebook

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