
Hey Ya’ll!!


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Welcome to my world. I document my adventures in style, travel, fitness and my love for life. Live freely and enjoy every moment while you still can. Hope you have a nice stay. Carpe Diem!

Why You Should Choose Yourself

Why You Should Choose Yourself

I know, I know, you really want to please all your friends and leave yourself last because that’s the norm and that’s what friends “do”. And you don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. Oh please, feelings shouldn’t be hurt when you’re being honest. As a matter of fact, you should be happy when people are being brutally honest with you. It saves you a lot of time and energy.

Why do so many people succumb to putting others before them?

When you choose yourself, you will thrive in this world. You are aware of yourself and your own reactions. Don’t waste time trying to figure out what other people want or their needs..keep the focus on yourself because that’s who you are in control of. People will always come into your life and try to steer you into the direction of their life. That’s absolutely fine…..there’s nothing wrong with what they’re doing. However, YOU have to know what is good for YOU. Learn to be intentional and say no if situations are not in alignment with your needs. Speak up and stop allowing people to make you feel bad for choosing you. And if they do guilt you, they are not your friends or have the best intentions for you. Stay woke people.


I am making it a commitment to love and trust myself above all others. I know that in the long run, I won’t be sorry for this. As a matter of fact, I felt better about myself when I started to assert myself more efficiently. I lost a lot of phony friends, (and still losing them)—which is great!! It was like a breath of fresh air. In the past, whenever I made choices to avoid hurting others, I ended up hurting myself more. I wasn’t being honest with my feelings. Now in 2019 present day, choosing myself has allowed me the openness to communicate my authentic needs in an honest way. This is how you build true connections/relationships with people.

Choosing myself has brought me a great sense of peace. For years I’ve watched my mother break ends meet to please her family back home in Jamaica. She always put them ahead of her own needs and got a slap in the face. She was sooooo miserable in the long run and they were so ungrateful. They still are. Even though these people treated my mom poorly, she has a heart of gold and now her children are reaping the rewards from the seeds she planted. She couldn’t understand why they did not reciprocate her kindness, but I understood. My mom felt the need to choose others over herself. And that’s ok, that’s all she knew. I am not knocking my mom’s decisions, but I am learning from her experiences. I felt sorry for my mom, but I paid attention to her decisions and vowed to not be like her in that sense. I vowed to always choose myself first.

Start choosing yourself and being more authentic and I guarantee you that you will ween out the “distractions” and begin to attract more valuable people into your life.


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How To Attend Influencer Events Solo

Since It's Festival Season..Let's Start With BAM/Dance Africa

Since It's Festival Season..Let's Start With BAM/Dance Africa