
Hey Ya’ll!!


How Are You?

Welcome to my world. I document my adventures in style, travel, fitness and my love for life. Live freely and enjoy every moment while you still can. Hope you have a nice stay. Carpe Diem!

Since It's Festival Season..Let's Start With BAM/Dance Africa

Since It's Festival Season..Let's Start With BAM/Dance Africa

From exotic handmade jewelry, bold prints, culture with a taste of butter pecan ice cream, I felt the richness of African pride this Memorial Day Weekend……

Dance Africa//BAM festival was amazing as usual. This year I didn’t see any of the shows in the theater, but I never miss out on all the festivities in the street. Can you say vendors galore?? There were vendors representing for African, Caribbean, and African-American culture with their crafts, fashion and food taste. I have to give these hardworking vendors so much credit and praise for creating amazing goods and being out there in the trenches to sell their products. It was amazing to see people (especially black people) celebrating the rich and diverse culture of Africa and its diaspora. We’re in the 42nd year of celebration and I am still proud of BAM/Dance Africa and all the hoopla—you rock!! There’s nothing more to say—if you didn’t attend, theres always next year. Hopefully!


House Of Mine Jewelry

House Of Mine Jewelry



Matthew Works Designs

Matthew Works Designs

Why You Should Choose Yourself

Why You Should Choose Yourself

OK! Magazine Summer Launch Party

OK! Magazine Summer Launch Party