
Hey Ya’ll!!


How Are You?

Welcome to my world. I document my adventures in style, travel, fitness and my love for life. Live freely and enjoy every moment while you still can. Hope you have a nice stay. Carpe Diem!

20 Things About Me

20 Things About Me

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style”....

Maya Angelou

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1. I never want to stop learning and growing. Ever.

2. My favorite hobby is traveling the world and going everywhere.

3. An embarrassing memory of me is when my shoes fell apart two summers ago after my helicopter ride. They were dry rotting and old, and I wasn’t able to walk comfortable without people noticing. I was hella embarrassed walking home in the summer time where everyone was outside.

4. My pet dog Brownie is my life because she is so sweet and loyal.

5. My sister and I are extremely close. Oftentimes we think the same things at the same time, dress similar, and share similar values.

6. My first blog was a nail art blog. This is how the name “vivakolor” originated. I wanted something that described my personality and full of spaz. I was designing my own nails at least three times a week. Boy, it was not easy. However, this blog led to my inspiration to finally do my fashion/lifestyle blog which I adore.

7. I never thought I would be a blogger who put myself out there, and share my life online.  I’m a pretty private person, so it’s still weird that I ended up doing this.

8. I’m a girly-girl, but then again I’m totally not—especially at the gym.

9. I am the youngest of four children, and I love the advantages of being spoiled and given everything. But I didn’t like when my siblings moved out or went away to college and I was left to fend for myself at home while growing up.

10. I am an extroverted introvert. It took me a long time to realize that and even longer to accept it. I thought that because I enjoy being social and love to connect and communicate with people, I must be extroverted. But the truth is, I recharge when I am alone. I need that alone time…It is crucial to my well-being.

11. I get bored really easily. I have to constantly be stimulated or my interest will be lost.

12. I like to have fun and make jokes. I am really silly and proud.

13. At one point in my life I always wanted to become an actress so I also studied theatre in college. It was fun!

14. Although I have a lot of acquaintances and I'm very sociable, I keep my circle of friends small. Loyalty is major for me and I have no problem cutting people off.

15.  I like poetry.. and poets, and lyrics, and singers, and speeches, and speakers, and blogs, and bloggers.

16.  I have more high heels than flats.

17. When I’m in love, oh darling, I’m all in, heart and soul.

18. I don’t follow what others are doing or the “in crowd”. I tend to make my own decisions and if something is puzzling me, I express myself.

19. I plan on spending time in Kenya to pursue my philanthropy work.

20. Sometimes I over-analyze too much, and I am learning that it’s not that serious. Just take a deep breath girl.


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