
Hey Ya’ll!!


How Are You?

Welcome to my world. I document my adventures in style, travel, fitness and my love for life. Live freely and enjoy every moment while you still can. Hope you have a nice stay. Carpe Diem!

Why Do They Call Her Distraction...

Why Do They Call Her Distraction...

Should I move far away from the city? Maybe that can work—but then I’ll still be around her. Around her and all the daily chaos that she brings. I find myself becoming frustrated and irritated as I try to focus on things that are important to me in an age of common distractions.

These distractions are unlimited interruptions in the form of people, social media, the noise outside, the weather and so on…..Lately, I’ve been struggling to focus on what is directly in front of me and I feel like my head is about to explode. Even with writing this blog post was depressing because I couldn’t think of a topic—but then common sense emerged....why not focus my topic on what is actually bothering me.


Yesterday, I found myself sitting down to catch my breath. My body was telling me to slow down based on my increased heartbeat and just feeling out of it. (of course, this feeling only happens when working for someone else) Anyway, I am learning to slow down and stop searching for things that I already have. Yes I am happy and grateful with where my life is, but I find myself still looking for the best this -or -the best that. Still searching for tangible objects that are meaningless at the end of the day. So I keep searching and then I wonder why it’s so hard for me to sit still and take my time. Until lately…I am now realizing that all that I am seeking and searching for is already in front of me. It’s all right there waiting for me to open my eyes and grab.

Today, I created a gratitude list and read it out loud to myself.
I’m grateful for good health
I’m grateful for my loving family
I’m grateful for the ability to walk away from anything/anyone that doesn’t add value to my life

Of course my list is longer, but this is all I want to publicly share. It felt good creating this list—there was no judgment or chatter in my ear. I am being more grateful for the things I have and resisting the urge of distraction. And, I am also learning to take deep breaths…..

Ways To Stay Emotionally Connected During Social Distancing

Ways To Stay Emotionally Connected During Social Distancing

The ShopStyle Experience And An Amazing Day Of Content Creation

The ShopStyle Experience And An Amazing Day Of Content Creation