
Hey Ya’ll!!


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Welcome to my world. I document my adventures in style, travel, fitness and my love for life. Live freely and enjoy every moment while you still can. Hope you have a nice stay. Carpe Diem!

Ways To Stay Emotionally Connected During Social Distancing

Ways To Stay Emotionally Connected During Social Distancing

In the past weeks our lives have changed drastically. Majority of places are shut down—even schools!!!…and people outside are looking like zombies. Nobody is saying good morning anymore, people are crossing the street when they see people and it’s all so weird. I am trying to grapple everything that is happening while trying to take care of my emotional, physical, spiritual health and so on. But, it seems like isolation practicing is the new norm. Even though research has proven that social distancing is the best practice to reduce the risk of spreading diseases——-the issue is that humans are social creatures who crave constant interaction. I don’t know about you guys but I get bored easily and I am tired of watching Netflix. (No pun intended to Netflix) Here are some tips on ways to stay emotionally connected during this time of uncertainty:


1) Talk to the people who you are stuck at home with.
First of all, it’s a challenge being home all day with people in the house. Omg it’s annoying. But there’s not much of a choice right now so why not build more connection with those that you live with. Take advantage of these moments by catching up on chores or building more conversations. I’ve been cleaning out my closet, grooming the dogs…….

2) Check on family or friends who suffer from anxiety/depression. Since texting is a more non- intrusive way of reaching out to someone, a simple text letting someone know that you care about their well being might be all they need. Try it.

3) Enjoy time alone and embrace it. I get it some people have difficulty being in solitude and with their own thoughts, however it’s the best way to learn more about self. I enjoy being alone most of the times because I get to complete more tasks and enjoy my own company.

4) Work out at home and go Live. This is so fun and I recently did it. I now realize how much fun Face time, zoom, Instagram live and more can be! Even if you don’t work out, find a physical activity and stream it with your friends. Don’t be shy!!

5) Join an online group. I got many requests from companies to take part in their online virtual events. This is so awesome to stay connected while we all try to find ways to stay positive. It can be a prayer, blogger, fitness group and so on. You get the gist. It’s also a nice way to chat with people whom you share the same interests with.

So here are some suggestions on currently staying emotionally connected during social distancing. I encourage you all to practice more kindness and gratitude toward others and toward ourselves. It’s a beautiful way to feel closer and more at ease. Until next time take care, wash your hands and be safe.


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