
Hey Ya’ll!!


How Are You?

Welcome to my world. I document my adventures in style, travel, fitness and my love for life. Live freely and enjoy every moment while you still can. Hope you have a nice stay. Carpe Diem!

How to Stay Consistent and Inspired (as a Content Creator)

How to Stay Consistent and Inspired (as a Content Creator)


As a content creator, blogger or influencer— creating content is extremely fun… BUT not so easy to remain consistent. This is why it’s important to plan out content. Especially more so ever with this whole pandemic. It doesn’t matter how long or early you are in the game, there are some key elements to practice when planning out content. For example, I plan out my content on Sundays because that’s a day where I am relaxed and I dedicate it solely to my blog. When I say plan, this entails brainstorming with my pen and notebook. I take being a blogger seriously. And planning out my content helps me to stay on track while also keeping in the loop with what is trending. Also, a key point to remember is to have content planned out weeks in advance so you’re not scrambling for ideas.

Honestly, sometimes I am guilty of not having content in advance, but I realize that I am efficient with working under pressure. (But don’t work under pressure) And, when I am off my game it’s because I failed to conducively plan out my content for the month. For example, I tend to write my blog posts a week in advance so that I am current and not scrambling for content the next week. This strategy works well for me so that I am present with my audience while being engaging at the same time. Because at the end of the day, you should be creating content that resonates with who you are while ensuring that your audience likes it too. (Remember—the content that you produce should also be growing your business and social media. If it’s not, it’s time to re-strategize). So when planning ahead with your content, keep in mind that this will help you with a routine that will help you to grow and flourish. I’ve seen so many positive results from my blog all while being consistent and productive. There will be times when you’re thrown off…it’s called LIFE….and that’s why I am sharing these tips.


I am starting to love using my instastories once again. (I used daily in the past but became fed up with oversharing and slowed down a bit)—and plus it helps with the algorithm (haha). But I realize that this is where my audience really gets to know me because on my stories I am very vulnerable because I am sharing those “in the moments” of my life that’s not on my newsfeed. And while doing this, I am also fostering and nurturing a relationship with my audience.

Something to think about is if you were you, would you want to tune into you? Now with that being said, own your personality and let it shine. And if you’re shy or don’t know what content to create—try them all. This is all trial and error—and you will learn along the way. You will never know unless you try. Do what brings the most joy and own it.


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101 Things That Make Me Happy--And Maybe You Too!

101 Things That Make Me Happy--And Maybe You Too!

Store Review: L Train Vintage In Bushwick

Store Review: L Train Vintage In Bushwick