
Hey Ya’ll!!


How Are You?

Welcome to my world. I document my adventures in style, travel, fitness and my love for life. Live freely and enjoy every moment while you still can. Hope you have a nice stay. Carpe Diem!

LiveSTRONGER Than Yesterday

LiveSTRONGER Than Yesterday

What doesn't break us, makes us stronger.  Ever felt broken, depressed, angered, or like life is impossible to deal with? Absolutely...aren't those the catalysts that make us stronger? Indeed they are--our resilience, faith, persistence, courage, and even strength.  

This weekend in Pasadena, California I got the opportunity to attend the Stronger Event at the famous Rose Bowl Stadium.  This health and wellness seminar was another great event to showcase what it means to be actively engaged with my surrounding and focus on health.  Even though the theme of the event was to see how many people can hold a one minute abdominal plank for the Guinness Book of World Record, it was much deeper than that. There was an emphasis on using strength to conquer the challenges of the world or life itself....either mentally, physically, emotionally and so on. There were panels of athletes such as Jillian Michaels, Koya Webb, Cassey Ho and many more who came out to drop knowledge while showcasing their gifts. They spoke about living a fulfilled life by doing the things you love, protecting your dreams and so on. I felt blessed and grateful to be in such an atmosphere with like minded individuals who understand the steps necessary for success while striving for greatness.


After the Stronger Event, I decided to conclude my day of fitness with a hike at the Runyon Canyon in Los Angeles.  This trail was no joke, but when you work out weekly like becomes a good challenge. Check out some of my pics below:

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Good Things Come When You Do What You Love

Good Things Come When You Do What You Love

When YOU Love The Skin You're In--Nothing Else Matters.

When YOU Love The Skin You're In--Nothing Else Matters.