
Hey Ya’ll!!


How Are You?

Welcome to my world. I document my adventures in style, travel, fitness and my love for life. Live freely and enjoy every moment while you still can. Hope you have a nice stay. Carpe Diem!

Express and Own Your Emotions

Express and Own Your Emotions


Be human. Whatever that is, right? As a counselor by trade, I learned that its perfectly okay to feel sad, angry, scared, frustrated and any other emotions when necessary.  As a matter of fact, its healthy to express how you feel and to the people who hurt you. Just get it out!!  It's more dangerous to keep these emotions bottled up and going through life angry or mad with the world because you haven't dealt with your own emotions/self.  These life skills are important coping mechanisms to deal with daily challenges. You cannot control people, but you sure can control your own feelings.

I am not happy all the time--some days I want to punch the wall, cry, or hide in a closet somewhere. You will never know that about me because I like to privately confront my own emotions so that I can be available to face the world again. This is how I cope while learning more about myself when I am alone in my own thoughts. When it's time to refocus, I put a smile on my face and keep moving because I want to live healthy and move on. I don't stay in the "sunken place".


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Now don't think that I am not a happy person overall, because I am. I just have unhappy moments or days. There's a difference. I extremely love my life and where I am currently. You cannot fake happy energy--people will eventually see right through you. Just own your emotions and not pretend as if you are okay with that so called friend throwing shade at you, people lying to you, or your boss yelling at you. Be mature, tactfully let people know how you feel, and move on with your life knowing that you have peace of mind/clarity.

For years, I watched my mom be upset with family members who hurt her and when they called her, she acted as if she owed them something.  She never confronted her own emotions and spoke to them honestly about how they made her feel. Instead, she talked about their behaviors behind their back, and smiled with them. Was she being phony? No--she didn't learn that it's okay to let people know how she felt without her getting in an argument. She didn't understand that confrontation is sometimes good...... I don't have time for that, you will know when I am feeling a certain way towards you. Sorry, life is too short to keep feelings bottled up. And, remember, you don't always need closure or a response from others when it comes to you releasing your emotions. All that counts is that you own your feelings. Do it for you. Not me.

Sock It To Ya!

Sock It To Ya!

When You And Your Friend Are On The Same Path, Magic Happens.

When You And Your Friend Are On The Same Path, Magic Happens.