
Hey Ya’ll!!


How Are You?

Welcome to my world. I document my adventures in style, travel, fitness and my love for life. Live freely and enjoy every moment while you still can. Hope you have a nice stay. Carpe Diem!

It All Started As A Hobby

It All Started As A Hobby

Indeed it did! I cannot believe that something that began for me as a hobby has turned into a passionate, motivational, and inspiring success. Y’all don’t understand…I was always into fashion and blogging at a young teenage age but never had the courage to turn my dreams into reality. Even though I was going to school to get a job in my related field,  I was still trying to figure out my life.  I felt like I had to adhere to societal norms where they said go to school and get the traditional job. Yes that’s all good- just make sure to get the job to pay your bills while also figuring out your passion and making it a reality.  I was always on Youtube watching other bloggers/vloggers live their passion and was in awe. Actually, I knew that would be me someday but didn’t really believe it in my gut.. Does that make sense? I guess what I am trying to say is that I didn’t believe in myself because I didn’t know where to start. I was lost, but I always knew how to research and relied on my creativity to help through the process. Then there was the fear of other people’s opinions. Oh boy! (What would they think of me? Am I doing too much? What if I look silly?) Really Alecia?!! Let me tell you something that I learned a while ago: As long as you are being yourself you will never look silly when going after your dreams or goals. That’s a fact!!

Photo Credit: fulltone_photographer

Photo Credit: fulltone_photographer

Photo credit @fulltone_photographer
Photo Credit: fulltone_photographer

Photo Credit: fulltone_photographer

With that being said, don’t fear your hobby. Fear not doing it because you never know where it might take you. So be bold, confident, and go after your dreams with flying colors.

MTV Staying Alive Foundation Empowers With A Powerful Message

MTV Staying Alive Foundation Empowers With A Powerful Message

The Message Says......Live Life Abundantly

The Message Says......Live Life Abundantly