
Hey Ya’ll!!


How Are You?

Welcome to my world. I document my adventures in style, travel, fitness and my love for life. Live freely and enjoy every moment while you still can. Hope you have a nice stay. Carpe Diem!

The Message Says......Live Life Abundantly

The Message Says......Live Life Abundantly


What does an abundant life mean to you? For me it means being full with joy, along with strength for mind, body, and soul. The sense of fulfillment when happiness becomes intangible—doing the things that I love. Things that cannot be touched, but being grateful for what I have, smiling more, living in the moment, making the most out of every opportunity, being hopeful,…….and most importantly—enjoying life.

I bought this jacket from Zara because of the length. However, I thought it was too plain and needed more spaz. I felt compelled to turn it into a unique statement jacket. From surrounding myself with great and resourceful people, @tableofkingz introduced me to Ashlee. Ashlee is a stylist, creator, and designer. Ashlee describes herself as a self love enthusiast living in Harlem who is full of positivity and inspiration. Her website is where she promotes self love while designing fabulous clothes for people. I saw her work and was impressed. I think it is her love for helping people be great that really caught my attention—I am attracted to people who genuinely want to see others be great. Long story short—I needed an empowering statement to give this jacket a pop. I didn’t want anything blase, cliche, or basic. After long processing I decided that the words live life abundantly was well suited for my personality and how I am living my life. Plus, I needed words where I was able to wear this jacket to work, to events, everyday life and so on,,,basically something that defined me and I could rock anywhere.

So far the compliments have been overwhelming—(even though my aim wasn’t for compliments). It’s just my unique style and what I like. People have stopped me to ask for pictures. (I just ask that they give Ashlee her credit at eyeconicash on instagram) I cannot go somewhere without being stopped when wearing this jacket because of the empowering words on the back. I am glad people are reading it because this is the message that I am boldly spreading and I love it!!

****Go reach out to Ashlee on instagram @eyeconicash or for further details.

It All Started As A Hobby

It All Started As A Hobby

Launch Event For PopSugar + KOHLS

Launch Event For PopSugar + KOHLS