
Hey Ya’ll!!


How Are You?

Welcome to my world. I document my adventures in style, travel, fitness and my love for life. Live freely and enjoy every moment while you still can. Hope you have a nice stay. Carpe Diem!

Ladies, Don't Be Another Stella Getting Her GROOVE Back

Ladies, Don't Be Another Stella Getting Her GROOVE Back

Remember that 1998 romantic-drama film with Angela Bassett where she played a woman who went to Montego Bay, Jamaica and met this handsome man her junior? Adapted from the best selling novel— author Terry McMillan knew what she was doing when she wrote that book. No, I didn’t re-enact that movie but……well let me tell you about my experience on my trip to my homeland of Jamaica. Maybe most of you reading this already know where I am headed with this post—but for those who don’t..…grab some popcorn because I am revealing all the goodies.


Jamaica is a country that has the most friendliest people. This I can attest to as I remember being a little kid and being acquainted with everyone in my small community in Kingston. Everywhere you go someone will speak to you either verbally or nonverbally with their piercing staring eyes. Friendly people can be seen everywhere from the airport when you first land, to the resorts where you spend most of your time and even the markets. This kind of friendliness attracts women from all over the world—especially from the young, handsome and well built Jamaican men. However, there is a price to pay. These charming men have captured the hearts of many and causing them to give up their whole life to walk down the aisle with these prince charmers thinking that they have found the perfect partner for the rest of their lives. I mean the men are handsome though…BUT


For example, everywhere I went I was known as this sexy “sweetness” chocolate queen in the eyes of my fellow Jamaican men. And, I definitely know they are not lying with the compliments because Jamaican men adore black women. If I wanted to get married, there was my opportunity—because the prospects were high from the old and young men. Now don’t get me wrong, there was a feeling of euphoria inside of me, BUT I have seen soo many women fall for the lines of these men and married what they thought was their knight in shining armor. And it didn’t take long before the honeymoon phase was over. So I politely smiled and went my merry way to save myself from a future poorly filmed Lifetime flick.

Here’s a true story of a girl named Joan and a guy named Sheldon. (names were changed) They met in Jamaica while Joan was on vacation with her girlfriends in a beautiful touristy resort. Their relationship grew quickly and Joan would fly to Jamaica on a regular basis to see Sheldon. The more Joan saw Sheldon was the more her love grew for him. By the way, Joan was also ten years Sheldon’s junior, but the age wasn’t a factor for her because he made her happy and he loved that she bought him lavish gifts. So after months of this long distance love, they both decided to get married. Joan officially moved to Jamaica with her savings to be with her love. Eventually the relationship grew sour as Sheldon barely made any money from his taxi job and started to pressure his wife for money constantly. It was like she was a human ATM. Fast forward…this romance ended fast………


To make a long story short, some of the Jamaican men marry foreign women as their meal ticket to “freedom”. It is an honor to want to visit America according to most Jamaican men. I mean can you blame them to leave their warm island with a beautiful sea? (Inserts sarcasm) America is the land of opportunities for harsh winter weather. Sigh… When I was in the hotel, I saw plenty Jamaican men with American women. And I know that most of them already have their “baby mothers” (as they call them) on the island but they’re at the hotel flossing. What is so sad is that most of these men would not be granted a visa and they just want to take whatever money they can get from foreign women. And then you have the men who don’t want to leave the island but want to boost their egos by telling their friends how much they “got” from these women. Ladies, please be careful. I am not telling you what to do but analyze the motives and intentions of these men before falling hard for their sweet talk. Be well and sanitized. Thanks for reading.


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Step Into Spring With This Fabulous Transitional Coat

  How To Celebrate Black History Month On Social Media

How To Celebrate Black History Month On Social Media