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  Allure Luxee Soy Candles

Allure Luxee Soy Candles

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 Allure Luxee Candles sent me a couple of candles to review.  From the moment I opened the package, I smelled the aroma of the candles.  This is great because I just love walking into a room and smelling the sweet scent of candles burning. 

Spring is here and I am definitely feeling the creamy vanilla scent of this unique and sultry soy candle.  Well, it is called crave for a reason--to keep you yearning for more. 

Okay so lets fast forward to summer since she's long overdue in NY! This citrus scent has me feeling like I should be on an island with a pina-colada in my hand.  Ocean Breeze has a very relaxing scent that can soothe any heart.

This scent has a lemongrass scent that is rejuvenating. I love the scent of lemons and their purpose. Tranquility is the perfect name of this soy candle to set you in a serene mood.

I've always wanted to travel to Bora Bora so I'll just pretend I am there while embracing this fruity scent.  It smells like a mixture of various fruits used to make one unforgettable experience!

FRESH--- that is the word to describe the scent of this candle. Its a clean scent that's not overpowerlingly scented.  This scent is good for people who are heavily sensitive to scents.

Lighting a candle and inhaling its scent is one of my favorite ways to unwind. What better products to use than those from Allure Luxee. I hope you enjoy and remember self care and meditation is a process that should be incorporated in our daily lives.



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